101+ Local Small Businesses You Can Start Today
February 13, 2017Start a Local Small Business and Pay Off that Debt
Drowning in debt?
Thinking of ways to earn extra money to pay off student loans? Want something more rewarding than delivering pizza? Wanting to be debt free in a few years, go to this site to learn more!
If you are a fan of Dave Ramsey's like I am, then you are looking for ways to pay off your debt with the help of Dartmouth debt consolidation services from Halifax Debt Freedom as quickly as possible. Before I tell you how that can be done, it's worthwhile mentioning that you need to get yourself into an i.v.a as soon as possible, because IVAs are meant to assuage the financial burden of debts.
Sure you could deliver pizza or take on a second job working for someone else but what if you could be your own boss with little to no money but earn an extra $1000 a month? Would that feel exciting?
There are two common ways people do this. If you have products that you can make and sell, you might start an online business. But if your skills are more physical, then you might find a local small business is perfect for you.
There are many local small businesses that you can invest 6-8 hours in a week and earn $250 for the week. And if you bump that to 15 hours that could earn $2,000 a month to toss at the debt. Additionally, knowing the requirements for picking the best iva company, something the business can help with – is a great additional headache saver.
The great thing about this type of income is, you are earning between $35 – $50 dollars an hour vs the $10 -$15 most part time jobs will pay.
They key is to create a local small business that takes advantage of two key components.
First, you probably already have the majority of the tools and skills needed to do the business. This way you remain debt free to start up. The cool thing is you can hold back some of the proceeds from your first sales to purchase any supplies or tools needed as you grow. Even if you don’t have some of the items, you can pick them up cheaply at yard sales or on Craigslist.
Second, by lining up 10 – 25 regular clients or customers you can create a steady flow of business. All you need are folks that use your service based business either monthly or biweekly to maximize your time and profits.
Some great examples of these types of businesses are Landscaping, Window washing, dog walking or grooming, maid services, pool maintenance, doing nails, and a host of others including some pretty unique ones. All of which can meet both criteria since you might have these items at home for when you are doing them personally.
If you are still at a loss for what you can do, take to Facebook. Head into those Community pages and just ask what services are folks looking for and having trouble finding someone they can count on month after month. You might get a great idea of something the Community is in need of. Filling a need in the community is one of the best ways to start off with lots of potential.
If you are pretty handy, a basic Handyman business might even work. However, you will have to hustle a little more with this type of business, as this one isn't usually recurring like the others. But if you can get a great word of mouth going you could have more work than you can handle pretty quickly.
Another option is to specialize in something that might be one of the few folks who are doing this type of job. For example, maybe you could specialize in replacing windows or removing pigeons, or some other thing that people hate doing themselves.
So if you are really wanting to attack that debt and get gazelle intense as Dave would say, then you might want to check out this option. Many folks have paid off quite a few of debts using this tactic.
Remember, the key is to pick something you can do debt free or with minimal investment. This way you can start making a dent right away.
Now, to help get you going, I've created this 7 part series that has the steps you will need to go from concept to open for business. Inside of the series you will walk through each area and receive a free tool or resource for that step along that way.
Good luck on knocking out those school loans, that medical debt and all those Credit cards! If you are working on paying off your house, fantastic! Enjoy what you are doing and it makes the journey that much better.
Remember, we are here to help get you going on starting your local small business but more importantly, we will be here once you are up and running with even more tools and resources to increase your profits, boost your sales, improve your processes and develop stronger teams.
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