10 Website Items All Local Small Business’s Need
September 4, 2017
How to Set Up Your Local Small Business Website
September 29, 2017
Should You Do a Billboard for Your Local Small Business
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Episode 121
The Local Small Business Coach Podcast
Here is what we discuss in today's episode:
Should You Do a Billboard for Your Local Small Business
Is billboard marketing a good idea for your business? Should it be part of your marketing plan?
Today I was asked, “What would Tammy do if she had the chance to put her local small business on a billboard?” So, in today’s episode, I share my thoughts on when I think it is smart to budget for a billboard and what would need to be researched prior to doing it. So if you are thinking of doing a billboard and wondering what you will want to dive into, take a listen.
Let’s discuss
Thanks for listening!
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Don’t forget, if you are looking to take your local small business to $100,000 in profit, head on over to LocalSmallBusinessCoach.com/8steps to download the free ebook & workbook called: 8 Steps Local Small Business Owners Need to Take to Make $100,000 in Profit. Where I’ll walk you through how to double or triple your current profit level.
Also, don’t forget to shoot me an email on any topic or question you would love for me to cover in an upcoming episode of the show. Just send your ideas to tammy@localsmallbusinesscoach.com.
Build a Website with BlueHost
Get Your FREE eBook – 8 Steps to Increasing Your Profits in Your Local Small Business
Our Training Materials for Local Small Business Owners: TrainingforLocalSmallBusinessOwners.com
Starting a Local Small Business Website: StartALocalSmallBusiness.com
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My Recommended Bookkeeping Program for Local Small Business Owners: Freshbooks Link
Why? Helps you invoice quicker and more importantly, get paid quicker. Let’s you know when your clients have opened the email and they even help send reminders. Clients / customers can pay right from their phone or computer. Give it a Try: Freshbooks
**Freshbooks & Audible are affiliate links. This costs you nothing. I only recommend due to how much folks have loved it. I am paid a small commission but trust me. Even I use it. Try it for free for 30 days and see if you don’t love it too!
Two Great Books to Help You With Your Small Business:
Highly Recommend all Local Small Business Owners Read the eMyth by Micheal Gerber. You will learn some critical things about running your business.
The second book is one I wrote based off a popular example I always use when folks are trying to understand their role as a leader with their people. Check it out.
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